Biblical Counseling

Making More and Better Disciples Through Focused Soul Care


Why Biblical Counseling?

At FBC we believe the Bible has all the answers we need for life. The Bible is God’s instruction manual to us and includes the details we need to live. The Gospel of Christ is powerful and has the ability to change us! God, through His Word, can pierce our hearts and change our lives! Sometimes individuals are in need of a more focused dose of the changing power of the Gospel, and that’s where Biblical counseling comes into play. FBC offers Scripture-based counseling completely FREE as a ministry to those in our church and our community. It doesn’t matter what you are struggling with today–relationship issues, marriage, infertility, parenting issues, abuse, addictive behavior, sexual issues, anxiety and fear, guilt and shame, anger, depression or simply issues in your spiritual walk, God’s Word has answers for you! If you have some tough stuff going on and would like to talk to a counselor, please click below to learn more and to set up a counseling appointment today!

What is biblical counseling?

Biblical counseling is a focused conversation where the Word of God is brought to bear on an individual’s life. At FBC we use Scripture and Scripture alone to speak truth in hearts. Scripture has the power to convict and transform our lives to make us more like Jesus. Through Scripture, we begin to discover the idols in our hearts that keep us from worshiping God as He desires. Biblical counseling endeavors to use the Bible to discover the answers God has for the tough stuff in our lives!

Is there a cost?

Faith Baptist Church is pleased to offer biblical counseling at no cost. FBC encourages those who benefit from counseling to consider a donation to help sustain further counseling ministries through the church.

When is counseling available?

Counseling is available at a variety of times throughout the week. The counselor will work to set up a time that will work with your schedule and within your availability. Counseling sessions usually last 60-90 minutes and can go for 8-12 weeks.

Who does the counseling?

Counseling is performed by the Pastor and/or other qualified counselors in the church who have received training in the Biblical counseling field. Counseling will always be provided by competent, spiritually mature individuals who know the Word of God and are skilled in using it to help you.

What can you expect from counseling?

Counseling provides the opportunity for you to get to know yourself in comparison with the Word of God. Your counseling needs will be held in the strictest confidence except when the counselor determines the need for others to be involved (e.g. criminal activity). Our staff will provide you with great care and concern as they exhort you toward becoming more like Christ.

Counseling at FBC is not state-licensed mental health care, but is uniquely biblical, and pastoral in nature. Our counselors are not medical doctors, therefore, they do not prescribe or manage medication. Counselees will always be encouraged to seek the advice of their medical doctors where physical symptoms of illness are present or suspected.

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124 4th St N,  Sauk Centre, MN 56378


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